Create DDQ Responses

Your firm needs the ability to quickly and reliably create DDQ responses for proposals. The process you use to create DDQ documents can make or break your ability to win new business, especially if you are not able to respond to DDQs efficiently, miss deadlines, or can’t scale to meet all DDQ requests.

Many technology-forward organizations already know that it only takes very few missed deadlines or critical, business-losing errors to fully cost-justify an investment in DDQ or proposal automation software. to And sales and proposal professionals know that they need better tools to do their job. When you want to advance your sales and proposal efforts to the next level, it is time to call on Expedience Software.

Helping You Create DDQ Responses in Record Time

Your potential clients may offer similar questions on their due diligence questionnaires — why not simply copy and paste your answers from one document to another? Although this is common practice, firms that choose this approach do so at great risks as there is no easy way to separate accurate from inaccurate answers and information. DDQ response content is not static and this is an easy way to make mistakes that could be costly to your business.

It might be very scary for you to learn how many high-revenue opportunities your organization may have lost due to simple errors in your DDQ response. Instead of using a manual copy-and-paste method to create DDQ documents, what if your sales and proposal teams could simply draw responses from a library of pre-approved and pre-approved content, all with a reliable method for personalizing your DDQ? This is possible with Expedience Software.

Our system not only helps you manage your proposal and DDQ submission process — we also offer templates, placeholders and quick assembly for other types of proposals such as RFIs and SOWs. Your staff builds a content library, and we help you organize it into a searchable format so you can create DDQ response documents in record time. No more worries about including incorrect information or an outdated response in your proposal documents. Instead, you can gain confidence in your ability to submit top-notch proposal documents that reflect your company’s core capabilities.

Ready to learn more about how to create DDQ responses with the help of the Expedience team and software? Contact us now to get started with a no-cost demonstration. We help you develop the workflow and content that streamlines your proposal process in short order.

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